Place Value Disks are non-proportional units used to further develop place value understanding. Like money, the value of the disk is determined by the value printed on it, not by its size. Number disks are used by students through Grade 5 when modeling algorithms and as a support for mental math with very large whole numbers. Whole number place value relationships modeled with the disks are easily generalized to decimal numbers and operations with decimals.
Place Value Disks are great to have in any classroom. They can be used for place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and even decimals! You can purchase them online at Crystal Spring Books. They come in sets with disks up to four values (typically used for grades k-2), and sets with disks up to seven values, (typically used for grades 3-6).
If place value disks are new to you, here are some great resources to help you get started incorporating them into your instruction:
Your students may know that 2x3=6, but do they know why? This book explains how to walk students step-by-step through each strategy, connect that approach to others, and build true mathematical understanding.
So now you're interested, but maybe it's not in your budget to purchase any new materials.... well you're in luck!
You can download our FREEBIE of printable place value disks!