Multiplication Facts

I have 2 new FAN FAVORITE Resources!
Written by: my math buddy Kristin Hilty. 

I always struggle with getting students to know their facts! I think sometimes we think they will learn it through osmosis with giving mad minutes and hoping for the best.

We need to "Go Slow to Go Fast" and need to take time to teach students the concepts behind multiplication before we can ever expect them to actually develop fluency! 

Check out:

1) Making Sense of Multiplication Journals 

You can help your students develop a conceptual understanding of multiplication. With this new interactive journal, students can learn multiplication facts using a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach, and build a solid foundation for future fact fluency. As they complete the activities, students will begin to see patterns and pictures within the facts, which will develop mental math strategies they can apply to more difficult problems.

Making Sense of Multiplication Journals Set of 30
 Find this product at Crystal Springs Books.

Check out: 

2) Flash Facts for Multiplication and Division Set of 10

Tired of fact worksheets? You know your students are! Help them develop true fact fluency—speed, accuracy, and understanding—with this new hands-on product. Build speed and accuracy with these ingenious self-checking flash cards for multiplication and division facts. Fun to use, they reinforce the relationship between multiplication and division!

Flash Facts for Multiplication and Division Set of 10
Find this product at Crystal Springs Books

Not sure of the progression in which to teach multiplication?

Check out this cheat sheet

