Performance Tasks or Rich Math Tasks are the outcome or execution of the the CCSS and 8 Mathematical Practice Standards being taught solidly, which will require students and teachers to go beyond the basics in their math thoughts. They provide the opportunity for students to grow in their understanding, strategies, and reasoning skills. Teachers are able to use performance tasks to formatively assess how deeply students are understanding the concepts being taught. Performance Tasks give you guidance, as a teacher, to decide where you need to put more emphasis in your instruction and where misconception may lie. I challenge you to give your class a grade-appropriate Performance Task (from the website below) and comment about your thoughts on how well your students did. Or if you have already embedded Performance Tasks as a part of your math instruction, tell me how it has changed the way you teach math. You will discover you can rate your students as Novice, Apprentice, Practitioner, or Expert (NAPE) across three arenas of learning math.
Click the printable resource link I created to discover more about the necessary steps to use Performance Tasks with Holistic and Analytical Scoring using NAPE:
Where can I find, grade appropriate, Performance Tasks that are FREE??
Try one of the following links to my fan favorite places to go:
These have great Student Exemplars to show how "real" students would do on the task
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